Evolusi internet di Malaysia kini semakin sengit dunia jalur lebar internet dan pelayar internet kini semakin ramai di Malaysia. Apakah yang di cari-cari oleh pelayar laman web internet yang mencari kualiti,pantas, laju dan servis terbaik. Mungkin di cari-cari oleh anda atau pelayar laman web ada di sini.
Selidik sebelum melanggan syarikat internet mana yang sesuai untuk anda , di bawah terdapat beberapa maklumat dan komen dari para pembaca internet tentang syarikat-syarikat Interent di Malaysia.
Wimax,P1 W1MAX | WiMAX Malaysia - Wireless Broadband Internet Service.
Powered by Packet One Networks (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. A WiMAX Licenced Company Subsidiary of Green Packet Berhad Member of the WiMAX Forum.
Buat Masa ini dunia internet telah di kuasai oleh syarikat baru iaitu Packet One Networks (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd yang mana telah menyediakan perkhidmatan internet yang terbaik bukan sahaja murah tetapi kelajuan nya yang sememangnya menyediakan khidmat internet yang laju lihat sahaja gambar di bawah.

Tentang Wimax. (dipetik dari laman blog individu)
lose to over a decade ago, a time when local calls were (nearly) free and i could logon to local BBS at 9.6kbps the whole night playing LORD, through the days when the Internet required Trumpet Winsock, to the bittorrents and youtube net life of today, i’ve pretty much stayed with TMNet as my ISP. Since it’s raya break and i’ve got time to burn i’m giving another local broadband provider a spin.
P1 is PacketOne, a subsidiary of greenpacket, which recently premier-ed WIMAX services in Malaysia. The WIMAX device offered is a black square brick, small enough for a home but probably not one for carrying around. Experience is pretty much plug and play, which i gathered means the device is pre-configured when i signed up with P1. So, on to the tests (Above Picture Streamyx Vs P1 Wimax)
P1 Wimax Speedtest!!
Pakej Wimax

Wimax modem
Iklan P1 Wimax ( Launch Program )
Bandar Sunway to be first integrated wireless township in Malaysia
PETALING JAYA: The Sunway group will turn Bandar Sunway into the first integrated wireless township in Malaysia by year-end.
The group will provide 30,000 Bandar Sunway residents and two million visitors yearly access to the Internet without boundaries.
The group with its partner, Packet One Networks (M) Sdn Bhd (P1), had just completed the first phase of the township’s wireless broadband development while the second phase is expected to commence soon.
Sunway group president Datuk Chew Chee Kin said currently 60% to 70% of the township, minus the residential areas, had the Internet service.
“We have set up 100 wireless fidelity (WiFi) hotspots, benefiting business users, students and visitors. At the moment, you can access the Internet for free at Sunway Pyramid,” he said after Sunway group signed a memorandum of understanding with P1 to continue with the second phase of broadband development yesterday.
Sunway Group President Datuk Chew Chee Kin( (right), Subang Jaya Assemblywoman Hannah Yeoh (centre) and Packet One Networks Sdn Bhd (P1)CEO Michael Lai exchanging souvenirs after an MOU signing between P1 and the Sunway Group and the launch of the wireless broadband services at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa in Petaling Jaya - Starpic by Brian Moh
“After 20 years of developing this city to epitomise ‘resort living within the city’, we are moving ahead to become the first integrated wireless township in Malaysia and maybe in the region too,” he said.
P1 is a subsidiary of Green Packet Bhd, which was awarded one of four worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) licences by the Government last year.
P1 chief executive officer Michael Lai said the first phase of broadband development cost about RM5mil while the second phase’s cost had yet to be worked out.
“The current phase involves deploying (WiMAX) to cover more areas within this 800-acre township, complementing the WiFi usage that had been used in the first phase,” he said. The areas covered in the first phase include Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall, Sunway Lagoon Theme Park, Monash University Sunway Campus, Sunway University College, Sunway Metro and Sunway Mentari.
Gambar-gambar P1 Wimax
Model seksi Wimax

Anda inginkan syarikat Internet terbaik, anda tentukan sendiri...Saya Tidak dapat memberikan cadangan mana yang anda inginkan. Wimax pula tidak satu Malaysia ia memberikan perkhidmatannya kerana buat masa ini ia terhad kepada sesuatu kawasan seperti di Lembah Klang dan di lain-lain kawasan anda boleh tahu sendiri samaada tempat anda tinggal mempunyai isyarat dari tempat anda dengan mengunjungi laman web rasmi syarikat tersebut, P1 Wimax akan meluaskan lagi perkhidmatannya di kawasan yang lain.
Gambar-gambar Iklan Celcom adakah ianya hanya gah pada nama , anda tentukan.

Tentang Celcom Broadband . (Di petik dari laman blog sembang)

Itulah istilah yang paling sesuai aku rasakan sekarang. Sejak kebelakangan nie line Celcom 3G (pakej RM 68.00 sebulan) adalah terlalu lambat. Aku rasa lagi lambat dari line 56k aku dulu. Mood pon takdak.. Huh!!!…..
9 Responses to “Celcom Broadband Lembab”
1. kawan Says:
July 29th, 2008 at 4:34 pm
lOk, aku nak kongsi cerita plak..ari tue, aku amik internet broadband 3G celcom, punye laa lambat dia nak aktifkan..dah laa aku xsaba2 nie..now ahad ari tue aku g low yat, g buat exec plan 3+1 tue..maklum laa nak gayut lama2 dengan harga yang murah..ponnnnnnnnnn lambat aktifkan…kene plak aku dapat sim card celcom, dok menunggu dia aktifkan line ….gilerr laa lembab! xde sistem kaa diorang nie..org dah laju kedepan..dia merangkak2 xsampai2..
Ape2 pon, maxis mmg bodoh!Dengan plan yang mengelirukan..kejap ade supersaver 12jam..kejap rm2..now day dah rm3! pulak tue start kul 1am..kepale otak dia main tukar2..pening dah aku…
Digi, no komen aku xpakai..sebab ..ntah..dono laa..
XXXXX celcom Says:
November 10th, 2008 at 9:32 pm
Sorry lepas geram kat sini ok tak!Aku punya celcom lg la cibai.ambik yg mahal pulak tu RM 98 sebulan.Pastu speed die cuma dapat 70 kbps.Punya lah cibai.memang haram nak pakai lg dah kompom aku tak nak bayar.perkhidmatan macam tu.Bengang betol!sorry ah uncle G!
penipu yg tertipu Says:
March 12th, 2009 at 2:33 pm
siallan punye celcom..
aku bru nk kaye main forex..
internet lmbt nk mampos!!!
tngal 1 pipies je nk jd jutawan,,
sebab celcom aku dh rugi hmpir RM100000 sehari..
bankrupt lh mcm ni..
vince09 Says:
March 15th, 2009 at 3:06 am
celcom memng pukimak n sial.. line broadband celcom aku ni teruk nak mamapus.. gulung tikar la lg baik celcom ni nak menipu orang je..
April 14th, 2009 at 3:44 pm
memang setujulah..lembap nak mampus..camne aku nak perabiskan 5 gb dalam sebulan kalu lembab mcm ni..baik aku ambik digi..lagi cepat..pasal tak ramai lagi yang pakai..cuba kalau ramai yang pakai..sure 2×5. tapi murah skitlah digi…lam rm58.
Worries About Money? Says:
April 18th, 2009 at 6:52 am
Aku pakai celcom broadband, pc aku jadi lembab. Apsal ntah aku pun tak tau.
Maklumat tentang Celcom Broadband di atas adalah di ambil dari laman sembang di internet bukan rekaan semata-mata dan bukan sengaja nak menjatuhkan syarikat Celcom. Di harapkan Info yang ada di sini akan membuka mata syarikat tersebut bagi menaikkan taraf syarikat tersebut yang pada umumnya membuat iklan di sana-sini bagi mengaburi mata masyarakat Malaysia. Mungkin bila kualitinya lebih bagus dari yang lain semakin banyaklah pelanggan Celcom Broadband.
Lagi Tentang Celcom Broadband di petik dari pemilik akauan youtube.com
April 16, 2008
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Celcom is not as what as they describe FAST!!! It is DAMN slower then 56k modem.
This is my internet connection speed using Celcom Broadband Malaysia. The speed is very damn!!! I just got 129kb/s. So slow... I hope you can comment this video. Ini adalah kelajuan internet saya ...
Iklan Celcom
Tentang Maxis Broadband. (Di petik dari laman blog sembang)

maxis broadband lembab .
seblum aku tido. ni ah aku nak ckp bahawanya maxis broadband lembab ah. aku gune maxis broadband oke & aku engat bagus. tapi hampeh & aku penah guna celcom broadband tapy bagus & stable. n tady aku bukak myspace & facebook & ym & ruumz. lambat nak mampos. n salu dc. ohh gosh!! ilang mood aku. haha. n dea ada 3 isyarat warna & semua tuh memainkan peranan. hijau mean lemah, biru mean oke, macam wane glow (aku pon tk taw wane ape) tu mean strong. tapy salunye wane glow tapy lembab gak. adoyaii. ade orang menyarankan aku pakai stremyx tapy act aku tak suke pakai stremyx! ( opppsss bestest aku mostly pakai stremyx! ) haha. tu aku oke. kalo korang aku tak taw & jangan ah mara aku if aku cakap aku tak ske pakai stremyx. hehe. kan kawan kawan ??
Komen di atas di petik dari pemilik laman blog individu yang di rahsiakan.
Lihat Video Klip Maxis Testing Speed
maxis broadband speed
Lagi tentang Maxis Broadband. di petik dari laman blog individu.
Sunday, April 20th, 2008
I have using Maxis Broadband more than half year but I feel Maxis was cheating me as a customer. They provide half year for your testing but still need to paid. First few month they provided fast speed wireless broadband to your demo period. After the demo period or half year you will get slow speed broadband. Now I always need to restart the equipment every time the broadband slow. (This is their solution) . Maxis just provided suck and poor broadband service. If you late to make payment, they have extra charge to you but they provided slow broadband to you, do you think they rebate the bill?
November 14, 2008 at 7:58 am
rubbish maxis~~
Murad says:
November 12, 2008 at 1:40 am
I agree with MaxisSucks!, we consumers should exercise our power, terminate maxisbb immediately after contract terms end. Don’t ever again trapped in flashy and neat maxis adds on tv, astro, etc. Just because they sponsor EPL live game, shitty akademy ass pantasia and etc, doesn’t make their services good and cool.
(I’m soo angry with maxis, because I pay 3.6MB plan but what I got is 3.6 Bytes only. Where is the “Mega bytes” gone? shame on maxis,
GipY yeo says:
November 11, 2008 at 10:27 am
Oh my god~~~..i almost wanted to sign up the maxis broadband man!!!..thanks a lot y’all man~~u all cool~~…xD….i agree yo~!!!…maxis is now suck than ever dude!
To change or not to change -- Boleh Blog says:
November 11, 2008 at 3:57 am
[...] (1) I have using Maxis Broadband more than half year but I feel Maxis was cheating me as a customer. They provide half year for your testing but still need to paid. First few month they provided fast speed wireless broadband to your demo period. After the demo period or half year you will get slow speed broadband. Now I always need to restart the equipment every time the broadband slow. (This is their solution) . Maxis just provided suck and poor broadband service. If you late to make payment, they have extra charge to you but they provided slow broadband to you, do you think they rebate the bill?” oleh Patrick Chia. [...]
Satu dua tiga says:
November 8, 2008 at 3:41 am
complaint to MMC multimedia commision of malaysia.this guys will freak out with them.i did once n it works.
MaxisSucks~!! says:
November 4, 2008 at 7:42 pm
Well maxis is so damm RETARTED!! N its even WORSE den other ~ So wad eva euu do is juz use it 1 year n dump it away!!CANCEL the damm MAXIS!! its RETARTED!! everytime when its raining den cannot connect~nt veri big rain nia~=.=~!! stupid MAXIS!!MAXIS SUCK!! MAXIS SUCK!! MAXIS SUCK!!
MaxisNarrowBand says:
November 3, 2008 at 4:49 pm
I’m one of maxisbb customers. hmm.. so far I have used 5 months the connection :) is bad. Below 20% of offered service level agreement. I currently subcribed with 3.6 Mbps packages but what I got sometime is 3.6 Bytes/s wow this is our Malaysian proud Internet super corridor Malaysia Boleh access.
I lived in Shah Alam, but no HSDPA access. I was aware Shah Alam is not covered, wait Shah Alam? I though Cherok Tok Kun Kedah have no HSDPA access Shah Alam, Subang and KL also?. I hope maxis will upgrade their infrastructure by including urban area into their coverage, but so far nothing happen.
Ahh… tired already maybe I should terminate my account…
mrs says:
November 1, 2008 at 8:32 am
yup, i obsolutely agree with all of you guys..MAXIS IS SXXX…
Nicolas says:
November 1, 2008 at 3:33 am
In fact all the wireless broadband provider are the same, don’t your think so?
For my experiences in wireless industrial, you will never constantly get 70% of your packages that you subscribe, the limitation is :
1) Wireless Devices (known as CPE, Customer Premise Equipment)
Lack of power to transmit signal back to the station
2) blockage
During sent and received data, wireless broadband speed is very much depend
on the location of you CPE, the more object being block, the slower the
speed that you will get
3) bandwidth Sharing
broadband speed is share among all the user per station or per area
the more user use the same station or at same area, the slower the speed
that you will get
in general, all the broadband provider are having the same issues which is technology is yet to mature, expensive of broadband equipment, expensive of internet bandwidth. by charge a small fees to end user like us, to be honest, they are making lost, but to end user, feel like cheating
No matter which provider (wired or wireless) your subscribe, all you need is luck…
adam says:
October 29, 2008 at 2:39 am
yes,when i use mxs broadband,the connection will lost every 5 minits.I am playing online game,sure u know how my feeling when i got kill just because of maxis lagging.
wanie-chan says:
October 27, 2008 at 7:08 am
i’ve experienced the same thing too.
the fastest connection that i’ve received is during morning time, that is 6am-11am.. the rest of the day is very frustrating and nerve-racking as the connection is very, very slow.
yk says:
October 25, 2008 at 4:38 am
maxis is suck, i bought the maxis broadband last month, and unitl now, i never experience the fast speed that the advertising said.
most of the time, my connection speed just 200bps. that is slow than the narrowband. even dial up. i have sent a xxxx email to maxis. but no reply, anyhow, i dun think they will reply me.
maxis said, the 138 plan i can get 3.36mbps. now, even 300kbps i oso cant get. most of the time, my laptop cant detect the usb modem, said wireless device unavailable. wat the fxxx. then i have restart my pc. sometimes, even restart oso cannot. when u call to maxis center, they will teach u to uninstall and reinstall the usb. damn. it will cost u 30 minutes to uninstall and install again.
damn damn damn regret and say STOP to MAXIS!
anti maxis says:
October 20, 2008 at 9:05 am
maxis customer says:
September 23, 2008 at 2:54 am
i feel bad because the services suck like hell. this is suck. suck like hell. shit shit shit shit. MONEY SUCKER.
ascariz says:
September 20, 2008 at 4:59 pm
Maxis Customer, u r absoulutely right!! i believe that u r GENIUS!
Josette says:
September 18, 2008 at 11:17 pm
Hi there, I stopped using Maxis USB Broadband about a month ago as the monthly bill was too darn expensive for me - RM138/month! I applied for it last December so I’m stuck with paying RM138 a month while new users who sign up later get to pay less. Well, I don’t think that’s quite fair since I signed up earlier. But they say, promotion lah, this lah, that lah, they have excuses.
So, recently I went to the nearest Maxis centre to return the USB package and I had to pay RM200 to terminate my account. If I had used this Maxis broadband for more than 12 months, then I wouldn’t need to pay. But I’ve only used it for eight months. :( Well, at least paying RM200 now would save me more money later. I certainly don’t enjoy paying RM138 a month!
Besides that, P2P is slow too. It’s much faster with Streamyx! :D
adminx says:
August 14, 2008 at 6:15 am
Maxis Customer says:
July 28, 2008 at 5:13 am
A warning from one consumer to another:
If you love your kids, don’t let them use Maxis broadband.
Kids who surf slower, learn slower and with the added pressure from having an unstable internet connection and constant disconnection could lead them to having suicidal tendencies at such a young age.
moolahking says:
June 9, 2008 at 7:44 am
MAXIS SUCKS..!!! It’s good if we all can boycott them..!!! It’s true what you have said.. First few months they provide good speed.. But then, it’s sucks..
Yesterday i went to Maxis KLCC and their staff with arrogance face say something like this..”Your house not covered with 3.5G.. That’s why so slow.. What you can do, cut the connection and pay RM200..!!”
Damn..!! I live in KL some more said not covered??
Chee Tien Yew says:
May 1, 2008 at 1:40 pm
Yeah !!! i support U!!! maxis like to cheat people money give penalty without any reason
Gambar iklan Maxis

Video Iklan Maxis
Komen-komen dari youtube.com tentang Maxis Broadband
budakcptm (2 months ago) Show Hide
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maxis berukband lembab.
budakcptm (2 months ago) Show Hide
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maxis beruk band lemabab macam siput..kura2 lagi laju..pakai ...... la
AZLAN210396 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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ehem ehem
AZLAN210396 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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Maxis Broadband eew.. Cant even watch youtube.. I have HSDPA signal at my area.. Now terminated Maxis and got ......?
Pilihan di tangan anda pilih yang terbaik sebelum anda di tipu oleh syarikat gergasi tentang perkhidmatan jalur lebar internet di malaysia.
Tentang Stremyx Telekom Malaysia Berhad. (di petik dari laman blog individu)
Streamyx lembap, streamyx slow , TMnet kaya raya, apa Webmaster Malaysia dapat?
Penat jadi Webmaster, nak pencen dah. Kalau tak kerana semangat aktivis dan pejuang, dah lama ana tinggalkan bidang ini
Bukan boleh jadi kaya pun, yang kaya streamyx dam tmnet (connection lembab, users cannot access websites)
Kalau ada cara supaya `block IP' dari streamyx dan tmnet boleh ke?
Bukan nak bantu websites Malaysia maju pun....ramai orang tak boleh akses sebab line slow sangat, sedangkan servis semakin mahal
I am starting to think that these internet connection providers should at least give support to webmasters and CONTENT PROVIDERS almost the same way television channels pay for tv shows and programmes
And they should not overrun independent websites with their own `bluehyppo' portals
Example: addin.bluehyppo.com - an attempt to provide and deliver Islamic content, but done poorly and still uses Joomla. While the Iqra portal charges you to access it (to learn reading the Holy Quran).
And we still cannot impose a ban on violent online PC games where kids who will be the future citizens, learn how to hack people to death (Grand theft Auto) and waste money
We should really make `INTERNET FOR ISLAAM' for real, Insya Allah God will help those who help his Ad Deen
Streamyx test speed at speedtest.net
Gambar Iklan streamyx

Video Iklan Streamyx
Lagi komen mengenai Stremyx di petik dari laman blog individu.
TM Streamyx still sucks - Feb 2009
In December 2008, TM Streamyx connection was slow due to the disruption of their Internet services caused by circuit fault on the Southeast Asia – Middle East – Western Europe 4 (SMW4) submarine cable network between Palermo (Southern Italy) and Alexandria (Northern Egypt) linking Malaysia to Europe.
On January 06, 2009, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) announced to her customers that the restoration works on the Southeast Asia – Middle East – Western Europe 4 (SMW4) submarine cable network between Palermo (Southern Italy) and Alexandria (Northern Egypt) linking Malaysia to Europe, has been fully completed.
However, come February 2009, TM Streamyx connection still sucks and frequently disconnected. Apparently their technology infrastructure still sucks.
Anda tentukan sendiri mana yang Lebih Baik, segala komen dan maklumat di atas sekadar rujukan untuk anda.
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